LC Tree Service is committed to helping people around the world one tree at a time. Trees help sustain life on earth. And our tree company is dedicated to help sustain life in a different manner. Every month, 10% of our company’s profit is donated to an orphanage in the town of Jeremie, Haiti that lovingly provides housing, food, water, an education, and care to neglected and abused children. The donation also goes towards a program that feeds more than 800 impoverished children on a daily basis who would otherwise go hungry.

LC Tree’s Founders, Larry and Lynnette Coalson, have had a history of traveling to different parts of the world to help with those in need and sharing their Christian faith. It was actually down in the Southern Mexico country of Chiapas that the pair first met while on separate humanitarian trips, thus beginning the history of LC Tree Service. The two also befriended and were mentored by church pastor whose father, Frederic Clerie, later founded a Haitian orphanage in 2013. Children were abandoned and in need of a home, so Hopestart International was launched with the mission “to help make disadvantaged Haitian children rise, thrive and become leaders who can positively impact the future of Haiti.”
Larry and Lynnette choose to support this organization because of their close personal ties to the founder and operators of the orphanage. It isn’t just a random humanitarian non-profit that they found online, but it’s a tangible organization that is run by people whose heart and integrity they know and love. Larry has even visited the orphanage to lend a helping hand. And in 2022, he became one of the Board of Directors. The orphanage started in 2013 with 8 abandoned children and has grown to care for 30 children. Their feeding program originally began with feeding 35 hungry mouths twice a week, but now feeds over 800 children 5 times a week!
LC Tree Service may be a tree service company, but to its Founders, it’s so much more — it’s a means to help sustain life — just as trees were created to do.
Wow. Just wow. We are blown away by your support! Together with donors across the country, you’ve raised enough money to help improve Hopestart Children’s Home, provide education for disadvantaged Haitian kids, maintain the wells so that poor communities can have safe, clean drinking water, and construct disaster-proof homes for homeless single mothers and their children! You are a life changer.

Surrounded by popular vacation destinations, such as the Bahamas and the Dominican Republic, the humble country of Haiti is ranked as the poorest in the Western Hemisphere and the 15th most corrupt country in the entire world. And tragically, Haitian children and infants are the most vulnerable, as they easily fall prey to sickness, malnutrition, abuse, and abandonment. It’s a country in need of help, and even though we may not be able to feed the entire country, we can start with several hundred.