We all have admired trees for the shade, attractive colors, and mouth-watering food that they provide, but did you ever think about the large health and environmental benefits that they also contribute?  A single mature tree releases enough oxygen back into the atmosphere to support two human beings!

Trees are created with a wide-array of benefits — the most important being their capability of improving air quality.  With the onset of the Industrial Revolution, human sources of carbon dioxide emissions have been growing.  Activities such as the burning of oil, coal, and gas; as well as deforestation are the primary cause of the increased concentrations of carbon dioxide into our atmosphere.  However, trees provide a naturally-created source of air maintenance.  Planting trees is found to be the most cost effective avenue to remove excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.  Research has shown that in a  50-year span, a tree generates $32,000 worth of oxygen and $62,000 worth of air pollution control.

Other pollutants that trees remove in our atmosphere include:

  • sulfur dioxide
  • nitrogen oxides and particulate
  • carbon monoxide
  • cadmium
  • nickel
  • lead

We mentioned the environmental impact of trees, but what about on human health?  Due to the removal of harmful pollutants, trees have been shown to help reduce the incidences of skin cancer, asthma, and stress-related hypertension illnesses.  Greenspaces help provide mental stability.  In other words, they help us relax.   When you sit on an outdoor bench, do you prefer to stare at hard, gray concrete? Or the vibrant, purple flowers of a beautiful Jacaranda Tree?  When you fall back and settle down to relax in a soft hammock, would you rather gaze at monotonous, brick building?  Or a soft-swaying, green palm tree?  A study performed in the Netherlands showed that every ten percent increase in greenspace resulted in the community’s health complaints being postponed by five years.  Furthermore, studies in the U.S. suggests that hospital patients with a view of nature through their windows recover better after surgery, which is why hospitals around the world have increased tree plantings on their properties.

While we do understand the need to cut down trees for various reasons and our company provides tree removal services, we still love and enjoy the splendor of trees.  We work with our customers to care for and maintain their trees through regular tree prunings and tree booster treatments, so that their trees can look great and can stick around for many years to come.

So when was the last time you hugged your tree?  Maybe not literally, but “hugging” them through regular care and maintenance.  Remember, your trees make a vital contribution to our world.